读特客户端·深圳新闻网2023年4月22日讯(记者 金洪竹 张玲 林恒鑫 冯牧原 阎思远 实习生 黄瑜)一年四季中最舒服的季节来了。走进山林,回归大自然,帐篷、天幕、篝火……城市人的周末短途出游多了一种选择:品尝咖啡,与朋友畅谈,一起烧烤、玩飞盘。在这个季节与朋友和家人一起去露营是个不错的选择。
Here comes the most comfortable season of the whole year. Wandering in the mountain, returning to nature, tents, skyfall, campfire…there's a new choice of weekend's excursion for the citizen:
Drinking a cup of coffee, chatting with friends, having a barbecue, playing frisbee.It is a great choice to go camping with family and friends in this season.
不负春光,露营正当时。(张玲 摄)
适合一群人的大帐篷。(张玲 摄)
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